Reflection Feed

A collection of practice

Raisa Kabir Gather your spools installation
Raisa Kabir Gather your spools installation

"Gather your spools. Let your hair down for me. Gently. Here. Undo." 2021 Glasgow Centre for Contemporary Art

Raisa Kabir Gather your spools installation

"Treadle softly. Tightening your warp. Weaving our weft. Binding her braids tightly..." 2019

Raisa Kabir Gather your spools installation
Raisa Kabir Gather your spools installation

"Build me a loom off of your back and your stomach..." Whitworth Gallery 2018

Raisa Kabir Gather your spools installation

Jute  and Flax 2020 from Nil Nargis Blue Solo show 2020 Indigo + Madder London

Raisa Kabir Gather your spools installation

Raisa Kabir Gather your spools installation

Detail - "The body is a site of production... Resist! Resist! Resist!" 2017 The Tetley 

Raisa Kabir Gather your spools installation
Raisa Kabir Gather your spools installation

Detail from film performance ""Gather your spools. Let your hair down for me. Gently. Here. Undo." 2021

Raisa Kabir Gather your spools installation

Still from "Nil Nargis Blue. Bring in the tide with your moon..." 2019 Cove Park





Raisa Kabir 'Amar Desh....আমার দেশ. My country. My home. My land. My diaspora. My Motherland is a memory of unwoven dreams Weaving detail 2017

"Amar Desh....আমার দেশ. My country. My home. My land. My diaspora. My Motherland is a memory of unwoven dreams..."

Weaving detail 2017

Raisa Kabir 'It must be nice to fall in love...' Tapestry 2017 - Whitworth gallery

"It must be nice to fall in love" 2017





Thursday, 05 March 2015

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Monday, 15 December 2014

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Wednesday, 06 November 2013

Wednesday, 13 March 2013