The leather work I've been stitching. Fabric for the collar of a jacket to be worn at the Transition Brixton Fashion show. Referencing the cell division and the transition that occurs during mitosis :
mitosis |mīˈtōsəs|noun ( pl. -ses |-sēz|) Biologya type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each having the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus, typical of ordinary tissue growth.
DERIVATIVES mitotic |mīˈtätik|adjective
ORIGIN late 19th cent.: modern Latin, from Greek mitos ‘thread.’
I am particularly fascinated by the idea of the make up of genetic information carried in each and every cell, and how this concept could be translated into textiles quite literally, by creating a skin like fabric, resembling the cell division only visible under a microscope. What we choose to wear on our bodies, is usually intrinsic to our identities; be that cultural, social, or informed by our environment. Our biological identity is something we can't alter, or dress or paint, and it is the foundation of all of us, just one cell, multiplying and growing, each dividing, and carrying all the necessary information to be passed on to the next cell dividing itself. I wanted to create a fabric that could be interpreted as wearing our biology on the sleeve, to break down the beauty under the surface.
Our bodies, we are in constant transition.